- Never judge a team from first impressions (they're not quite themselves the first few days
- Honduran heat is relative to US geographical context. (No problem if you are from the Southern half of the US, a big problem if you are not)
- When someone asks you to “come kill a bug” in the bathroom, beware it could be a tarantula or scorpion.
- “God’s Word, Every Child” including the naked one that walks out of a classroom.
- Cross-cultural communication often involves a lot of negotiating for things as simple as dinner and how many schools you will visit that day.
It was a blessing to have three teams from Arkansas, Missouri and Washington this summer; each one of them unique. Each one of them taught me something new. Each ministry location was very different. I literally traveled the entire country: First to San Pedro Sula, a city in the North East; then Choluteca, a small city, very hot and poor to the South West, near the Nicaraguan border; and finally Copan, a very small tourist town in a mountainous jungle area up in the North West by the Guatemala border.
It is impossible to show the beauty of Honduras in pictures: long winding roads, mountains, jungles, mud slides, small villages. I’ll not forget the children of Honduras; all eager to smile, shake your hand, hi-5 and laugh. I played basketball with a group of 4th grade girls, improved my Spanish, but most of all told thousands of kids about my best friend Jesus.
Many more Honduras photos are posted @: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kimart4ch/
What’s Next:
I finally stopped thinking in French and have been able to converse in simple Spanish this past summer; but all that is about the change. I will be bringing the French back, my next stop is Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. I leave August 22 and will be back in the states December 1st. I don’t know much about it just yet but will be sure to let you know next month.