There are benefits and there are trials in doing what I do. There is joy and there is sorrow. Being away from my missions work the last six weeks has given me time to reflect on this life and to realize that this is where I am called to be at this moment in time. Some of you have been asking so here are some of the highs and lows and near misses of missions.
Once in a lifetime opportunities: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe; Dune 7 in Namibia; Cape of Good Hope and Cape Town, South Africa; Copan--Mayan Ruins in Honduras; Lemurs in Madagascar; Moscow, Russia; York,UK; Montevideo, Uruguay; Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Near Misses (timing is everything and God's hand of protection): Hotel Montana, Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Zimbabwe the day before elections; Honduras just days before the President was ousted; a park in Perm, Russia the day before a major bus crash at that location.
Difficulties: Replenishing funds in a bad economy and during an international disaster, Haiti in Aug, Haiti in Sept, and Haiti now, loneliness, singleness, in some cultures just being a woman, constant change, all the people that come and go so quickly, living in FL especially with an unairconditioned car that is falling apart, spiritually recharging, missing family and friends, really bad foriegn roads, culture changes and adjustment and readjustments.
Thankful for: an innovative, cutting edge, and always on the go organization that has huge goals and expectations, that believes in reaching every child in the world, makes the Word and prayer a priority and many new friends along the way.
Favorite country: I am asked this question a lot. My response is usually the last one... which at this moment is Russia (I loved it). But let me qualify this a little bit. My favorite place to go is South Africa, favorite country for ministry is England, favorite place for the people is Madagascar, favorite place for food is Argentina. The place that affected me the most is Haiti, although I would not call it a favorite. And my favorite place to come back too is the USA.
As you may have figured out I am currently raising funds to continue doing what I love and where God has called me. A friend so nicely reminded me today that I am not raising funds for myself but to reach others. I can definitely tell you there is NO profit in missions. I often question why I am doing this when I look at my checkbook but then I think of Chesney in South Africa whose life was forever changed for the better. The girl in Russia who wanted to know why a photo of a boy in South Africa was so peaceful, or the many hundreds of faces I see when I close my eyes that have hope tonight because they responded to page 33 in the Book of Hope or saw a film and now attend a kids club. I am willing to go, but I need people to send me. If you have wanted to give, but haven't yet NOW is the time. If you gave one time in the past, now would be a good time to give again.
A new photo site has been posted. The childrens portraits are the ones that you helped to reach and the many that they represent in their home countries. If you gave you also reached 2,700 kids in Haiti this past summer, you were a part of encouraging 700 kids at a school in South Africa and 50 young people in Russia.
I am excied about what 2010 may hold even though I have no idea what at the moment. Someone prayed over me not too long ago that 2010 would be a very fruitful year and I am believing it to be so.
Please consider giving. Send a check, made out to OneHope, 600 SW 3rd St, Pompano Beach, FL 33060. Please use “Clark” in the memo line. Or you can give online at
Thank you for giving, praying and writing…
Once in a lifetime opportunities: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe; Dune 7 in Namibia; Cape of Good Hope and Cape Town, South Africa; Copan--Mayan Ruins in Honduras; Lemurs in Madagascar; Moscow, Russia; York,UK; Montevideo, Uruguay; Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Near Misses (timing is everything and God's hand of protection): Hotel Montana, Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Zimbabwe the day before elections; Honduras just days before the President was ousted; a park in Perm, Russia the day before a major bus crash at that location.
Joys: Taking photos, covering events, interviewing kids, praying with and encouraging kids, showing a film or giving books to kids who have never heard the gospel, leading some to the Lord, training others to reach kids, teaching photography and seeing first hand the impact a photo can have on someone, giving kids hope, passing-on media skills, interacting with college students, being part of a communications team, and new friends around the world.
Difficulties: Replenishing funds in a bad economy and during an international disaster, Haiti in Aug, Haiti in Sept, and Haiti now, loneliness, singleness, in some cultures just being a woman, constant change, all the people that come and go so quickly, living in FL especially with an unairconditioned car that is falling apart, spiritually recharging, missing family and friends, really bad foriegn roads, culture changes and adjustment and readjustments.
Thankful for: an innovative, cutting edge, and always on the go organization that has huge goals and expectations, that believes in reaching every child in the world, makes the Word and prayer a priority and many new friends along the way.
Favorite country: I am asked this question a lot. My response is usually the last one... which at this moment is Russia (I loved it). But let me qualify this a little bit. My favorite place to go is South Africa, favorite country for ministry is England, favorite place for the people is Madagascar, favorite place for food is Argentina. The place that affected me the most is Haiti, although I would not call it a favorite. And my favorite place to come back too is the USA.
As you may have figured out I am currently raising funds to continue doing what I love and where God has called me. A friend so nicely reminded me today that I am not raising funds for myself but to reach others. I can definitely tell you there is NO profit in missions. I often question why I am doing this when I look at my checkbook but then I think of Chesney in South Africa whose life was forever changed for the better. The girl in Russia who wanted to know why a photo of a boy in South Africa was so peaceful, or the many hundreds of faces I see when I close my eyes that have hope tonight because they responded to page 33 in the Book of Hope or saw a film and now attend a kids club. I am willing to go, but I need people to send me. If you have wanted to give, but haven't yet NOW is the time. If you gave one time in the past, now would be a good time to give again.
A new photo site has been posted. The childrens portraits are the ones that you helped to reach and the many that they represent in their home countries. If you gave you also reached 2,700 kids in Haiti this past summer, you were a part of encouraging 700 kids at a school in South Africa and 50 young people in Russia.
I am excied about what 2010 may hold even though I have no idea what at the moment. Someone prayed over me not too long ago that 2010 would be a very fruitful year and I am believing it to be so.
Please consider giving. Send a check, made out to OneHope, 600 SW 3rd St, Pompano Beach, FL 33060. Please use “Clark” in the memo line. Or you can give online at
Thank you for giving, praying and writing…