Missions photography often involves raising your own funds to get overseas. There are a few that have made a career of it but that will be another post. Most young photographers start out by joining a team and looking for those that will partner with them. Fundraising doesn't have to be a difficult process if you keep God's purposes in site. There are several good books on this subject such as Friend Raising. I have probably done every form of fundraising out there but these are some truths I have discovered in the process:
1. People don’t know you are going on a mission’s trip unless you tell them. So….tell everyone you know about your amazing opportunity without ceasing. Write letters, post often on social media, speak about it in person, makes some phone calls, tweet and text. (basically use ALL methods of communications, but not just once do it regularly leading up your deadlines, however, letters and person-to-person contact is ALWAYS most effective, but social media reminders can help too)
So….give them an opportunity to partner with you. Be specific about the amount needed and your deadlines. Make the process very easy for them…as simple as clicking a link or putting a check in an envelope that is already addressed.
3. Don’t pre-decide who can and cannot give. God moves on each person’s heart differently. So…send your letters out in faith. The answer will always be YES or NO but let your people make their own decision on whether or not to give. It always happens that the least likeliest people will give in amounts you never expected. Don’t discount any source before you even send your letters out. Also realize that a NO answer doesn't mean a rejection of you or your work, it just may mean a financial, heart or a timing issue. They may be in a better position to give next time but by including them you are preparing the soil for the "next time".
4. Expect God to move on your behalf! Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. ~ St Augustine. In other words do all that you humanly can to let others know but then let God do his thing. God’s provisions are always on time. The miracles come when you need them most and not a moment sooner.
5. Keep your motivations pure and your pride in check. Remember that you are not begging for money for yourself or a vacation. You are asking people to partner with you in ministry…to make a difference alongside of you as if they were able to go. You are the willing vessels, the hands and feet. Giving is just as much an act of obedience to help the poor, widows, orphans etc… as the one going. Don’t deny anyone the chance to be a blessing because of your pride not to ask.
6. Prayer support is just as important. What is done in prayer will allow you to be successful on the field. Encourage everyone to pray but make sure you raise up a couple of key intercessors to keep you in prayer continually: during the fundraising process, during the trip and the time period just after the trip. Remember it is a spiritual battlefield that you are entering the moment you begin the process.
Wired for sound, the camera is ready, giving some last
minute reassurances before the interview starts. Knowing you
have a team behind you at home helps you do your job so much
more effectively. Click here to read part of Steven and Leidy's story.
A few final notes: Always tell the stories and show the pictures along the journey...this makes the fundraising ground a little easier the next time as people begin to believe in you and the work that you are doing. Always be passionate... people partner with passion and vision not just a cause. If you can communicate that you are on your way.